7 tips for a better conversion funnel

When analysing your website, do you find that a lot of potential customers are dropping off and not completing purchases, but you can’t understand why?

If this is the case, follow our 7 tips for a better conversion funnel to see where you may be going wrong.

What is a conversion funnel?

A conversion funnel is essentially the steps your customers take before they take action or purchase your product

Conversion funnels are a great way to understand customers and the different stages consumers go through before their purchases.

what is a conversion funnel?

The steps you create impact how consumers behave, so familiarising yourself with each one can help you use tactics for improving conversion rates.

Chances are, if you are reading this you already have a funnel and it’s not performing for you, if so, read on for some helpful tips to see better results from your conversion funnel.

Start with one funnel

When creating a funnel, it’s essential to think about where you want to be visible. Not every platform is relevant to your business, so choose wisely to make the most of your social media engagement, or advertising.

Don’t let waste go into the funnel

Remember, this is an opportunity to entice as many potential customers as possible. So don’t clutter your funnel with irrelevant information. Keep it informative and concise.

Let them know what they’re going to be buying, the benefits and why to choose your business over another.

CTA on the landing page

One of the most effective ways of leading customers through your funnel is by creating calls to action. By instructing the user to fill out a form or get in touch, they’ll be more likely to click through. Don’t let the user think too much, let them see the buttons and click.

Include social proof

Demonstrating to the user that others recommend your products or services, will confirm that your products/services are as good as you claim they are.

According to Repuso, Testimonials can increase conversions on sales pages by 34%. So start collecting those reviews!


It’s no surprise that not everyone is going to reach the end of the funnel. This could mean that they were interrupted or are simply in research mode. Use this as the perfect time to get in front of them and begin retargeting.

Force the user to think about your product or service by showing follow-up advertisements on different social sites, so that when they are ready to purchase they think of you first.

Follow up on retargets

Enter your successful conversion customers into your CRM system or add them to your email marketing lists. This allows you to continue working with these customers to increase their lifetime value. If you can get every customer to buy from you one more time, think about what they could do for your business.

Thank you’s go a long way

Sending a thank you email to your new customer or client will add a personal touch. For smaller businesses just starting, thank yous are incredibly important. This small gesture means a lot to customers and can even lead to them giving you helpful reviews.

Common issues with conversion funnels

Below we have mapped out a simplified conversion process to see where your customers may be dropping off. If any of these issues apply to your website, consider changing them instantly to start seeing better results.

Stage 1: Arrive on the homepage

  • Are your product photos of a high standard? Blurry images aren’t attractive on any website. Don’t turn customers away with low-quality images, instead hire a professional photographer to take some smart photos for your website.

Stage 2: Select a product

  • Are there delivery options and prices clearly stated? Don’t let the customer feel confused by prices or delivery options. Otherwise, they may be tempted to go to another site where it is easier to understand.

Stage 3: Complete payment details

  • Online payment systems have changed the way we shop and pay for things, so if your website uses online payment systems, it must be secure. Customers trust your site when they type in their card details, and it is up to you, the business owner, to guarantee that your website is safe for purchasing.

Take the time to build out a sales funnel that represents what you want and what your audience wants.

Remember that whatever you create can always be improved upon and it’s only when we try things we see room for improvement.

If you’re still not seeing results from your funnel and would like professional help to see where you’re going wrong, get in touch with our expert team today.



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